Key visual of Cells at Work! 1

Cells at Work! 1

2018-07-08 | Comedy,Animation,Action & Adventure | 13 episodes

3 Seasons


Pneumococcus (2018)

This is a story that happens inside a human body. One day, as a Red Blood Cell is delivering oxygen and carbon dioxide, she is assaulted by Pneumococci and rescued by a White Blood Cell. To protect the body that’s their world, the White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) chases after the one Pneumococcus who’s escaped. But the enemy has hidden himself in the most unlikely place...

Pneumococcus poster

Scrape Wound (2018)

Things have been peaceful for Red Blood Cell when suddenly an abrasion occurs before her eyes. The White Blood Cells (Neutrophils) arrive to battle the bacteria and viruses invading through the wound, but they struggle against enemies like Staphylococcus aureus. Will the White Blood Cells (Neutrophils) find a way to defend this body?

Scrape Wound poster

Influenza (2018)

Naive T Cell is patrolling the body for influenza virus proliferation. But since he’s never taken on the enemy before, he’s completely terrified and useless. He finally ends up fleeing the battlefield where White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) and the veteran Killer T Cells are fighting. Naive T Cell is filled with self-loathing until Dendritic Cell sees him and speaks to him kindly.

Influenza poster

Food Poisoning (2018)

Bacteria appear near the stomach. White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) is on the scene at once. There, he finds Eosinophil, another type of White Blood Cell, already in battle, but she’s struggling badly. Seeing how powerless she is, the other cells start trashing Eosinophil behind her back. Even after White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) tells them, “There’s a job that only Eosinophil can do...”

Food Poisoning poster

Cedar Pollen Allergy (2018)

The body has been invaded by a mass of cedar pollen! Rushing to the scene so that he can eliminate the cedar pollen, White Blood Cell (Neutrophil) runs into Memory Cell. Memory Cell is a Lymphocyte who retains the immune system’s memories. Seeing what’s actually going on, Memory Cell is strangely flustered. “What the heck? This is just like the legend...” What “legend” is Memory Cell talking about?

Cedar Pollen Allergy poster

Directed By

Satoshi Osedo



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