Key visual of Dr. Pimple Popper 9

Dr. Pimple Popper 9

2023-04-05 | Reality | 8 episodes

10 Seasons


Holy Cyst?! (2023)

Kenny was born with a rare condition that causes hundreds of lumps to grow all over his body. Ebonee covers the tiny bumps on her eyes with sunglasses. Paula's painful and swollen feet ooze a substance that emits a foul odor.

Holy Cyst?! poster

Nevus and bump-Head (2023)

Jacqueline's massive shoulder growth makes it difficult for her to do her favorite hobby: fire spinning. The mysterious bump on James' cheek loves to bleed. Mikalia has had a bumpy, smelly mass on her head since birth.

Nevus and bump-Head poster

Cyst Over Troubled Water (2023)

After losing his longtime love, Joe wants the large bumps all over his head removed. The itchy, painful rash on Nisa's ears has spread to her face. Jennifer has dark spots all over her face that nobody is allowed to see.

Cyst Over Troubled Water poster

Ear Brain (2023)

Cedric has a bump on his eye and a painful lump on his neck that have kept him from working. Katherine's large ear cluster puts her neighborhood watch job at risk. Andrea uses makeup to cover the white spots all over her face and body.

Ear Brain poster

Bumpshakalaka (2023)

Jimmy's flaky, raised alligator skin feels like an itchy hell, and he wants it cured so he can find love. Djuka is a stubborn guy with a stubborn bump. Talina has hundreds of tumors all over her body, causing embarrassment and discomfort.

Bumpshakalaka poster


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