Key visual of The Spanish Princess 1

The Spanish Princess 1

2019-05-05 | Drama | 8 episodes
Catherine of Aragon is the Princess of Spain, who has been promised the English throne all her life. She arrives in a rain-lashed England with her glorious and diverse court including her ladies-in-waiting Lina and Rosa. When her husband dies suddenly, the throne seems lost to Catherine until she sets her sights on the new heir, the future King Henry VIII.

2 Seasons


The New World (2019)

Catherine of Aragon arrives in England to wed Prince Arthur, heir to the English throne, in a marriage contract intended to forge an alliance between the two nations.

The New World poster

Directed By

Birgitte Stærmose


Emma Frost

Fever Dream (2019)

Catherine is one step closer to the English throne with her marriage to Arthur but must navigate the challenges of a new relationship and a new court.

Fever Dream poster

Directed By

Birgitte Stærmose


Matthew Graham

An Audacious Plan (2019)

Catherine remains determined to become England's future Queen and makes plans to marry Prince Harry. Lizzie has a troubling premonition following a complicated labor.

An Audacious Plan poster

Directed By

Daina Reid


Helen Childress

The Battle for Harry (2019)

As the nation mourns Lizzie's passing and Catherine works to secure her marriage to Harry, Henry shocks the family by announcing his intention to honor his wife's dying wish.

The Battle for Harry poster

Directed By

Daina Reid


Nicki Renna

Heart Versus Duty (2019)

Catherine is faced with a dilemma - marry King Henry Tudor and immediately become Queen of England - or find a way to refuse and hold out for Harry.

Heart Versus Duty poster

Directed By

Lisa Clarke


Andrea Thornton Bolden


Featured Crew


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