Key visual of The Amelia Gething Complex 2

The Amelia Gething Complex 2

2021-03-19 | Comedy,Kids | 8 episodes

2 Seasons



Now pick that up, Judith (2021)

Amelia and her flatmates buy a super-smart TV which leads them into infinite parallel universes – with hilariously disastrous consequences.

Now pick that up, Judith poster

Carrots are for losers (2021)

Amelia is elected Prime Minister and immediately imposes a system of malevolent despotic rule – with hilariously oppressive consequences.

Carrots are for losers poster

The Cult of the Mitochondria (2021)

To flesh out the characters’ backstories, Amelia insists we meet all their families – with hilariously harrowing consequences.

The Cult of the Mitochondria poster

Just let me lick a traveller’s cheque (2021)

After Poppy eats everyone’s money, they must find a way to pay the rent. Contains scenes some viewers may find televisual.

Just let me lick a traveller’s cheque poster

Merry Christmas, humans (2021)

It’s time for a non-seasonal Christmas special, but things go awry when Amelia and friends accidentally put Santa in a critical condition.

Merry Christmas, humans poster


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