Key visual of Brotherhood 2

Brotherhood 2

2022-05-11 | Drama,Action & Adventure | 6 episodes

2 Seasons


Ties (2022)

Reeling from the bloodshed, Edson meets Gomes, who lays out tough demands. To help the faction, Cristina is forced to smooth things over with Darlene.

Ties poster

Just Dust (2022)

Gomes doubles down after hearing about Matos. Cristina convinces Darlene to try new tactics, then confronts her own past as they plot to rip off the DA.

Just Dust poster

Two Weights, Two Measures (2022)

As Darlene struggles to unload the drugs, Ivan pushes Cristina to sort things out with Oseas. But her ideas don't sit well with leadership.

Two Weights, Two Measures poster

Like Garbage (2022)

To get Zica on her side, Cristina comes clean about Faísca. After staking out Gomes, Darlene and Cristina carry out the escape plan — but tragedy looms.

Like Garbage poster

Sentence (2022)

An irate Gomes gives the wardens a chilling order. Edson pits Darlene and Cristina against each other. Marcel continues to help the police.

Sentence poster


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