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Flipping Bangers

Reality | 3 Seasons | Returning Series
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The programme follows petrol head friends, Will Trickett and GT Porsche photographer, Gus Gregory, as they fix and 'flip' neglected old cars for a profit. Having ditched their day jobs to trade in the cars that people avoid, they're risking it all as any losses will come out of their own pockets. To cover any overheads, they must double their return on every pound invested in the vehicles they buy.

3 Seasons

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Negative 33%

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Flipping Bangers FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Flipping Bangers is 8.8.
The full version of Flipping Bangers is available atprovided by fuboTV
There are Flipping Bangers seasons of the 3.
The programme follows petrol head friends, Will Trickett and GT Porsche photographer, Gus Gregory, as they fix and 'flip' neglected old cars for a profit. Having ditched their day jobs to trade in the cars that people avoid, they're risking it all as any losses will come out of their own pockets. To cover any overheads, they must double their return on every pound invested in the vehicles they buy.
The first air date of Flipping Bangers is April 06, 2018.
The cast of Flipping Bangers are Gus Gregory starring as Himself - Presenter, Will Trickett starring as Himself - Presenter.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1401 reactions to Flipping Bangers including pretty rough, howler, totally hooked, fetching, knowledgeable character.