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Love Is In The Air 1

2020-07-08 | Drama,Comedy | 39 episodes

2 Seasons


You Knock on My Door (1) (2020)

Eda Yildiz won a scholarship to study the last year abroad while she was the first in the department at the university, but when her scholarship is stopped at the last minute, Eda's life is turned upside down, she is expelled from the university and remains a high school graduate. For months, she tries unsuccessfully to reach Serkan Bolat, who cut her scholarship. She starts working in her aunt's flowers shop. One day, when she finds out where Serkan Bolat will be, she confronts him face to face. They have to spend a day handcuffed to each other.

You Knock on My Door (1) poster

You Knock on My Door (2) (2020)

Serkan's speech at an important press conference was soon interrupted when Eda stole a kiss, albeit the prying eyes. Now, Serkan has his prestige to save, and Eda will have to correct her wrongdoing. The solution is simple: they will pretend to be engaged for 2 months. Serkan's prestige will be saved and in return, Eda's school fees will be paid for. There's only one problem: convincing family and friends that they're suddenly in love with each other.

You Knock on My Door (2) poster

You Knock on My Door (3) (2020)

With their engagement party underway, Serkan Bolat and Eda Yildiz are officially engaged... Of course, this news drops like a bomb in society; everyone is interested in this Eda girl that locked down THE Serkan Bolat. They are wondering; what kind of person is she? What's her job? What school did she graduate from? Eda feels alienated in her new flashy world built around a lie. All Serkan on the other hand thinks about is his company as he believes Kaan Karadağ is up to something real shady. While everyone is hounding Eda, will Serkan compromise his Bolat ways and be there for Eda? Or is he going to break Eda's heart by saying she should stop being dramatic, it's all a game?

You Knock on My Door (3) poster

Game of Lovers (2020)

The stress of receiving three stressful phone calls resulted in Eda fainting once again in Serkan's arms. Matters are a bit serious this time though, as Selin and Ferit want to come visit them at their shared "home" But there's no such "home" together. Preparations need to made and the notice given is so short. While Eda is busy panicking, all Serkan thinks about is work, work and work again. Eda's friends are certain that Serkan is having an affair with Selin, after catching them red-handed at the restaurant. Eda is trying to get the house ready while she tries to convince them that everything is OK. Eda, after doing her best to please her guests all day, the unexpected news is that she's running out of patience. And things, are at the brink of getting out of hand.

Game of Lovers poster

Love in the Mediterranean (2020)

A surprise awaits the team that goes to Antalya to sign an important agreement. Both investors need to sign, but they do not want to come together because they are about to divorce. It is up to Serkan and Eda to bring them together. During the magical moments they spend together in Antalya, Eda and Serkan get closer than ever before. Meanwhile, a new crisis to be created by Kaan Karadag will be a test for Eda. The risk she takes to save Serkan will cause her to realize her feelings for him. Serkan, on the other hand, is increasingly attracted to Eda.

Love in the Mediterranean poster



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