Key visual of Echo 3 1

Echo 3 1

2022-11-22 | Drama,Action & Adventure | 10 episodes

1 Season


Flyaway (2022)

In the aftermath of a joyous wedding gone awry, the bride goes missing in South America and the military men in her family vow to find her.

Flyaway poster

Directed By

Pablo Trapero


Mark Boal

Tora Bora in the City (2022)

At the American embassy in Bogota, the men run into bureaucracy. They find an ally in a powerful banker and embark on an impromptu mission.

Tora Bora in the City poster

The Gambler (2022)

Prince uses his media savvy to pressure the American and Colombian governments to own the mission, setting off a chain reaction in the jungle.

The Gambler poster

Upriver (2022)

Bambi loses the guerilla's trail and reacquaints himself with whiskey. Prince recovers from his wounds and starts putting the mess behind him.

Upriver poster

We Reject Your Influence (2022)

Amber reaches her final destination at a Venezuelan black site. She's told she will die there.

We Reject Your Influence poster


Christopher Stetson Boal


Featured Crew


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