Key visual of Dopesick 1

Dopesick 1

2021-10-13 | Drama,Crime | 8 episodes

1 Season


First Bottle (2021)

Richard Sackler begins to launch a powerful new painkiller, a rural doctor is introduced to the drug, a coal miner plans her future, a DEA Agent learns of blackmarket pills, and federal prosecutors decide to open a case into OxyContin.

First Bottle poster

Directed By

Barry Levinson


Danny Strong

Breakthrough Pain (2021)

OxyContin is on the market but faces a potential threat, Purdue’s vast influence reaches the town of Finch Creek, Bridget steps outside her DEA authority, and the criminal investigation of OxyContin begins.

Breakthrough Pain poster

Directed By

Barry Levinson


Danny Strong

The 5th Vital Sign (2021)

Doctor Finnix begins to taper Betsy off OxyContin, Bridget sees the toll the drug is taking on communities, Rick and Randy investigate the world of “pain societies”, and with sales climbing, Richard Sackler makes bigger plans for his new drug.

The 5th Vital Sign poster

Directed By

Michael Cuesta


Beth Macy

Pseudo-Addiction (2021)

Sky-high OxyContin sales are threatened by reports of abuse, prosecutors investigate a claim central to OxyContin marketing, and Finnix begins to question the safety of the drug.

Pseudo-Addiction poster

Directed By

Michael Cuesta


Jessica Mecklenburg

The Whistleblower (2021)

With OxyContin abuse spreading across the country, Bridget brings the fight to Purdue while Rick and Randy seek to find a whistleblower within Purdue to tie their case together.

The Whistleblower poster

Directed By

Patricia Riggen


Benjamin Rubin


Featured Crew


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