2020-08-16 | Talk,Comedy | 9 episodes5 Seasons
The Big Alakens Marathon (2020)
'Stu-D2 1138 on the Binary Sunset Sith' Studio 60 Marathon (2020)
The George Lucas Talk Show watches all of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip joined by over 50 members of the cast and crew. They raised over $11,000 for Broadway Cares.
Macklunkeys To(Jedi K)night (2020)
LucasLynch (2020)
This holiday is yours, but we all share with you the hope that this day brings us closer to freedom, and to harmony, and to peace. No matter how different we appear, we're all the same in our struggle against the powers of evil and darkness. I hope that this day will always be a day of joy in which we can reconfirm our dedication and our courage. And more than anything else, our love for one another. This is the promise of the Tree of Life. Today, retired filmmaker GEORGE LUCAS (dead-eyed character actor CONNOR RATLIFF) and his talk show sidekick, WATTO (GRIFFIN NEWMAN, co-lead on AMAZON'S THE TICK) are raising money for FEEDING AMERICA. If you know anyone who might want to donate even as little as one dollar, please steer them towards this fundraiser today. They are joined, as always, by their snack-napping, nap-snacking producer PATRICK COTNOIR (aka PITY PAT aka THE GRIM SLEEPER aka STEAMBOOT LICKEY)