Key visual of American Auto 2

American Auto 2

2023-01-24 | Comedy | 8 episodes

2 Seasons


Crisis (2023)

Katherine and the team bring in crisis manager Ian Osofsky to help combat the negative publicity the company is receiving from accusations it covered up defective auto parts.

Crisis poster

Most Hated CEO (2023)

Ian and Sadie attempt to rehab Katherine's image from the pawl controversy by staging a phony video with Katherine's family and a visit to Late Night with Seth Meyers.

Most Hated CEO poster

Celebrity (2023)

When Payne loses their spokesperson, Katherine and the team go to great lengths to woo a new celebrity — Andy Richter — only to have second thoughts.

Celebrity poster

Cost Cutting (2023)

In an effort to reduce costs, Jack, Cyrus and Elliot have to let go of some employees while Wesley and Dori search for office savings. Sadie helps prep Katherine for her first post-crisis TV interview.

Cost Cutting poster

Going Green (2023)

Katherine and the team head to Silicon Valley to invest in green tech, including Sandbox, a potentially bogus company founded by Wesley’s friend, Chase.

Going Green poster



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