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Here's My Plan

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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A girl believes her whole life has been miserable. She dreams of revenge on people who are responsible for her misery.

1 Season

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Here's My Plan FAQ

A girl believes her whole life has been miserable. She dreams of revenge on people who are responsible for her misery.
The cast of Here's My Plan are Kim Hwan-hee starring as Lee So Hyun, Ryu Soo-young starring as Lee Jae Young, Kim Do-hoon starring as Cho Yoon Ho, Lee Si-woo starring as Jun Shik, Kim Yi-kyeong starring as Hee Jin, Park Seung-taek starring as .
On May 13, 2024, there are 303 reactions to Here's My Plan including careful, compressed, like Game of Thrones, femme fatale, creditable directing .
The genre of Here's My Plan is Drama.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Here's My Plan is 7.0.
The first air date of Here's My Plan is May 19, 2021.
The full version of Here's My Plan is available atprovided by Rakuten Viki