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Dear Edward

Drama | 1 Seasons | Canceled
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A 12-year-old boy becomes the lone survivor of a plane crash. As he and others affected by the tragedy try to make sense of what happened, unexpected friendships, romances, and communities are formed.

1 Season

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Positive 54%
Negative 46%


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  • Ranked #408 / 8,450 TV Shows

  • Ranked #685 / 14,650 TV Shows

  • Ranked #1,300 / 15,789 TV Shows

2,044 TV Shows Tastes Related to Dear Edward

Maimovie AI learns TV shows taste from social media, search keywords, and other diverse crowd data. As a result, our AI has characterized this TV Show with the following movie tastes:

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Dear Edward FAQ

On April 29, 2024, there are 2044 reactions to Dear Edward including life-altering, soulful acting, omnipresent, wallflower, sentimental.
The first air date of Dear Edward is February 02, 2023.
The certification of Dear Edward is TV-MA.
The cast of Dear Edward are Colin O'Brien starring as Edward Adler, Taylor Schilling starring as Lacey, Anna Uzele starring as Adriana, Idris Debrand starring as Kojo, Carter Hudson starring as John, Amy Forsyth starring as Linda.
The genre of Dear Edward is Drama.
There are Dear Edward seasons of the 1.
A 12-year-old boy becomes the lone survivor of a plane crash. As he and others affected by the tragedy try to make sense of what happened, unexpected friendships, romances, and communities are formed.
The full version of Dear Edward is available atprovided by Apple TV Plus
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Dear Edward is 7.1.