Key visual of Dodger 1

Dodger 1

2022-02-06 | Comedy,Drama | 10 episodes

2 Seasons


Runaways (2022)

Twelve-year-old orphan Jack Dawkins escapes a mill owner’s clutches. With the help of new friend Charley, they make it to London, where they first meet Fagin’s infamous gang.

Runaways poster

Waxworks (2022)

Gang member Tom returns to find his bed taken by the new boy, while a dangerous money-making opportunity arises at the unveiling of Madame Tussaud’s Queen Victoria waxwork.

Waxworks poster

Imposter (2022)

A new scam is afoot as Dodger disguises himself as a posh lost boy in order to get in with a well-to-do family - the question is, will Dodger’s conscience get the best of him?

Imposter poster

Mudlarks (2022)

Charley falls into the hands of the riverside-dwelling ‘mudlarks’ and is sent on a dangerous mission by the truly terrifying Lucifer.

Mudlarks poster

Phantom (2022)

Fagin’s gang fight to save Tang’s life, Dodger scores a leading role at a haunted theatre, whilst Polly strikes a questionable deal with the enemy.

Phantom poster



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