Key visual of Smoke & Steel - Secrets of the Modern World 1

Smoke & Steel - Secrets of the Modern World 1

2022-02-14 | Documentary | 6 episodes

1 Season


A Leisure Time Game Changer (2022)

Examining a cliff in North Yorkshire that offered the public a new ride experience. Plus, the world's oldest operating roller-coaster, an astronomical observatory in California and a mining hoist in Germany.

A Leisure Time Game Changer poster

War on the Waves (2022)

Examining 'The Warrior', an ironclad warship on the south coast of England. Plus, a grand public works facility in Prague and the mint building in San Francisco.

War on the Waves poster

A Subterranean Revolution (2022)

The industrial legacy of a tunnel under the Thames, how steam engines reshaped the Netherlands, and a surprising link to our digital world.

A Subterranean Revolution poster

The Birth of the Factory (2022)

A mill on the outskirts of Manchester was part of a dawning revolution in the way we work - the factory. A bridge in St. Louis, USA pioneered the use of steel - a construction material that would reshape our world. And a vast hangar in Brazil built to house the airships transformed passenger travel in the 20th century, but those giants of the sky owed a debt to an earlier age.

The Birth of the Factory poster

Global Communications Breakthrough (2022)

Examining the legacy of a cable hut in Cornwall, how a mountain railway in New Hampshire inspired its passengers and a lighthouse in France.

Global Communications Breakthrough poster


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