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Bambai Meri Jaan

Crime | 1 Seasons | Returning Series
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Set in post-Independent India, Bambai Meri Jaan revolves around an honest cop who wants to reduce crime in a city and protect his family at all costs.

1 Season

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Positive 56%
Negative 44%

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Bambai Meri Jaan FAQ

Set in post-Independent India, Bambai Meri Jaan revolves around an honest cop who wants to reduce crime in a city and protect his family at all costs.
There are Bambai Meri Jaan seasons of the 1.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Bambai Meri Jaan is 7.5.
On May 13, 2024, there are 2086 reactions to Bambai Meri Jaan including glorifying, tenacious, unvarnished, steadfast character, irated.
The cast of Bambai Meri Jaan are Kay Kay Menon starring as , Amyra Dastur starring as , Avinash Tiwary starring as , Kritika Kamra starring as .
The genre of Bambai Meri Jaan is Crime.