Key visual of Animal Control 1

Animal Control 1

2023-02-16 | Comedy | 12 episodes

1 Season


Weasels and Ostriches (2023)

Shred encounters a wild weasel in an attic. Frank slips his Slim Jim in Shred's back pocket as they approach a dozen ostriches.

Weasels and Ostriches poster

Rabbits and Pythons (2023)

A tech geek tells Frank his rabbits got into his special chocolate bars. Frank and Shred find a python wrapped around a man's neck.

Rabbits and Pythons poster

Cougars and Kangaroos (2023)

Animal Control dispatch radios with a cougar sighting. Amit squares off with a kangaroo.

Cougars and Kangaroos poster

Dogs and Bears and Minks (2023)

Animal Control receives a 9-1-1 call on a bear in a hot tub. Frank questions his night with Dolores.

Dogs and Bears and Minks poster

Cows and Raccoons (2023)

Frank and Shred respond to a call of a distressed cow at a fraternity house. Patel learns a wholesome detail about Victoria's personal life.

Cows and Raccoons poster


Featured Crew


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