Key visual of Doctor Who 8

Doctor Who 8

1971-01-02 | Drama,Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 25 episodes
As of 2017, season 8 remains notable for being the season with the most number of regular characters. Not only did it see a new companion in the form of Jo Grant, but it featured a regular enemy — The Master — who was the first regular Time Lord enemy of the Doctor to appear more than twice, and an expanded regular UNIT cast that now included Sergeant Benton and Mike Yates in most episodes. Adding in returning regulars Jon Pertwee and Nicholas Courtney, the regular cast swelled to six.

27 Seasons



Terror of the Autons (1) (1971)

When a Nestene Energy Unit is stolen and a radio telescope sabotaged, the Doctor is contacted by a Time Lord who tells him his old rival the Master is responsible.

Terror of the Autons (1) poster

Directed By

Barry Letts


Robert Holmes

Terror of the Autons (2) (1971)

Attempting to find out where Jo encountered the Master, the Doctor heads to the circus where he falls foul of Rossini.

Terror of the Autons (2) poster

Directed By

Barry Letts


Robert Holmes

Terror of the Autons (3) (1971)

The Doctor and the Brigadier head to Farrel's factory but the Master and the Autons have already left and are distributing plastic daffodils around the country.

Terror of the Autons (3) poster

Directed By

Barry Letts


Robert Holmes

Terror of the Autons (4) (1971)

The Doctor discovers the plastic daffodils are designed to fire a spray that asphyxiates people, causing havoc prior to the Nestene's arrival, but before he can alert anyone he and Jo are captured by the Master.

Terror of the Autons (4) poster

Directed By

Barry Letts


Robert Holmes

The Mind of Evil (1) (1971)

The Doctor and Jo head to Stangmoor Prison to investigate the Keller Machine, which drains the evil impulses from prisoners' minds, while UNIT are handling security at the first world peace conference.

The Mind of Evil (1) poster

Directed By

Timothy Combe


Don Houghton



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