Key visual of Doctor Who 13

Doctor Who 13

1975-08-30 | Drama,Action & Adventure,Sci-Fi & Fantasy | 26 episodes
It was during this season that the Doctor cut ties to UNIT (after Terror of the Zygons, the Brigadier would not appear again until Mawdryn Undead in 1983, and The Seeds of Doom marked the last occasion to date that the Doctor was explicitly said to be working for UNIT - as opposed to working with them as occasions warranted). Several of the serials in this season, particularly Pyramids of Mars and The Brain of Morbius, are among the best-known of the 1970s-era storylines. Though it was aired as a part of Season 13, Terror of the Zygons was actually filmed as part of the previous season; this holdover allowed the series to switch back to an autumn season start.

27 Seasons


Terror of the Zygons (1) (1975)

Scotland, the near future. Something is smashing oil rigs off the Scottish coast, and UNIT have been called in to investigate. The Brigadier summons the Doctor to Earth to help in the investigation, but it soon becomes clear some kind of alien presence is at work...

Terror of the Zygons (1) poster

Directed By

Douglas Camfield


Robert Banks Stewart

Terror of the Zygons (2) (1975)

The Zygon traps the Doctor and Sarah Jane in a decompression chamber while Harry is taken to the aliens' underwater ship.

Terror of the Zygons (2) poster

Directed By

Douglas Camfield


Robert Banks Stewart

Terror of the Zygons (3) (1975)

The Doctor and the Brigadier begin to realise who the Zygon imposters among them are while Sarah Jane discovers a secret tunnel to the underwater ship.

Terror of the Zygons (3) poster

Directed By

Douglas Camfield


Robert Banks Stewart

Terror of the Zygons (4) (1975)

UNIT attempt to track down the Zygon ship while Broton prepares to have the Skarasen attack London.

Terror of the Zygons (4) poster

Directed By

Douglas Camfield


Robert Banks Stewart

Planet of Evil (1) (1975)

The Doctor and Sarah answer a distress call and find themselves on Zeta Minor, the last planet of the known universe, where a Morestran expedition has gone missing.

Planet of Evil (1) poster

Directed By

David Maloney


Louis Marks



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