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Maximum Bob

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Maximum Bob is a short-lived television series that debuted in 1998 on ABC TV. Starring Beau Bridges, the show was based on Elmore Leonard's 1991 novel with the same title.

1 Season

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People's review rating

Positive 61%
Negative 39%

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Television Awards

0 wins 2 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Casting Society of America, USA

    Best Casting for TV, Comedy Episodic

  • Casting Society of America, USA

    Best Casting for TV, Comedy Pilot


Awards from the Crowd

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Ranked #384 for


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Maximum Bob FAQ

The cast of Maximum Bob are Beau Bridges starring as Judge Bob Gibbs, Liz Vassey starring as Kathy Baker, Sam Robards starring as Sheriff Gary Hammond, Kiersten Warren starring as Leanne Lancaster.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Maximum Bob is 8.4.
Maximum Bob is a short-lived television series that debuted in 1998 on ABC TV. Starring Beau Bridges, the show was based on Elmore Leonard's 1991 novel with the same title.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1399 reactions to Maximum Bob including hugely enjoyable, bumpkin, hillbilly, visually interesting, spirited character.
There are Maximum Bob seasons of the 1.
The genre of Maximum Bob is Drama.