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Born and Bred

Comedy, Drama | 4 Seasons | Ended
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Born and Bred is a light-hearted British drama series that aired on BBC One from 2002 to 2005. Created by Chris Chibnall and Nigel McCrery, Born and Bred's cast was led by James Bolam and Michael French, who play a father and son who run a cottage hospital in Ormston, a fictional Lancashire village in the 1950s. Bolam and French's characters are later replaced by characters played by Richard Wilson and Oliver Milburn.

5 Seasons

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Negative 38%

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Born and Bred FAQ

On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Born and Bred is 7.6.
The genre of Born and Bred is Comedy,Drama.
There are Born and Bred seasons of the 4.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1349 reactions to Born and Bred including hugely enjoyable, picturesque, metrosexual, peaceful, bit shaky camera work.
The cast of Born and Bred are Jenna Russell starring as Deborah Gilder, Ross Little starring as Michael Gilder, Clive Swift starring as Reverend Brewer, Tracey Childs starring as Linda Cosgrove, Maggie Steed starring as Phyllis Woolf, Samuel J. Hudson starring as Eddie Mills.
The first air date of Born and Bred is April 21, 2002.
Born and Bred is a light-hearted British drama series that aired on BBC One from 2002 to 2005. Created by Chris Chibnall and Nigel McCrery, Born and Bred's cast was led by James Bolam and Michael French, who play a father and son who run a cottage hospital in Ormston, a fictional Lancashire village in the 1950s. Bolam and French's characters are later replaced by characters played by Richard Wilson and Oliver Milburn.