Key visual of Top Gear 9

Top Gear 9

1983-01-29 | Documentary | 9 episodes

45 Seasons


Top Gear Special: Belt Up (1983)

From midnight on 30 January it becomes law for most drivers and front-seat passengers to wear a seat belt. But who is exempt? How are the police going to administer the law? What happens if you are caught not wearing a seat belt? Answering questions from the motoring public are Jackie Stewart long-time advocate of seat belts Dr Murray Mackay, Head of the Accident Research Unit, University of Birmingham and Roger Birch, Chief Constable, Warwickshire Constabulary.

Top Gear Special: Belt Up poster

Directed By

Phil Franklin

Episode 2 (1983)

As Britain's latest and perhaps most important new car, the Austin Maestro, is launched, Top Gear goes to the production centre to find out how it is being assembled. Sue Baker gives the Austin Maestro a rough ride in Spain, and Frank Page compares it with some of its competitors. Chris Goffey road-tests another new car to reach the showrooms, the BMW 3 series.

Episode 2 poster

Directed By

Phil Franklin

Episode 3 (1983)

'The shop window of Europe' is how the international motor manufacturers describe Geneva. Sue Baker reports on some of the latest models on show. Chris Goffey continues the Swiss theme by visiting a car factory at Iverdon, testing out the new Audi 80 Quattro on the snowy slopes and reporting on a bus driver's nightmare. Frank Page jungle-tests a new British four-wheel-drive vehicle.

Episode 3 poster

Directed By

Phil Franklin

Episode 4 (1983)

Top Gear visits TVR, one of Britain's sports-car manufacturers. Sue Baker joins up with the Autocar road-testers at the Motor Industry Research Association's testing ground. Chris Goffey attends a course on how to avoid being hi-jacked, and Frank Page joins Sue Baker in giving their first impressions of the new Fiat Uno car.

Episode 4 poster

Directed By

Brian Strachan

Episode 5 (1983)

All the latest news from the world of motorcycling. Frank Page reports from Monza race-track on a new motorcycle tyre. Chris Goffey reports on a new lease of life for the Panther car.

Episode 5 poster

Directed By

Phil Franklin


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