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Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Correlli was an Australian television series first broadcast by ABC TV in 1995. It starred Deborra-Lee Furness as prison psychologist Louisa Correlli. The series also featured her future husband Hugh Jackman in one of his earliest roles. The first episode entitled "The Rat Tamer" has been released on to DVD. The creators and Associate Producers of the show were actress Denise Roberts from the ABC's G.P., and Carol Long. Roberts also played the role of prison warden Helen Buckley in episodes four and five.

1 Season

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Correlli FAQ

On April 29, 2024, there are 1037 reactions to Correlli including flawed hero, running smoothly, first timer, attention demanding, frisky.
The cast of Correlli are Deborra-Lee Furness starring as Louisa Correlli, Hugh Jackman starring as Kevin Jones, Sue Jones starring as Sister Pat, Richard Piper starring as Sam Montelle, Neil Melville starring as Governor Jim Sanderson, John Brumpton starring as Officer Gilbert.
Correlli was an Australian television series first broadcast by ABC TV in 1995. It starred Deborra-Lee Furness as prison psychologist Louisa Correlli. The series also featured her future husband Hugh Jackman in one of his earliest roles. The first episode entitled "The Rat Tamer" has been released on to DVD. The creators and Associate Producers of the show were actress Denise Roberts from the ABC's G.P., and Carol Long. Roberts also played the role of prison warden Helen Buckley in episodes four and five.
The genre of Correlli is Drama.
There are Correlli seasons of the 1.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to Correlli is 6.9.
The first air date of Correlli is July 26, 1995.