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| 13 Seasons | Ended
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Total Request Live was a television series on MTV that featured popular music videos. TRL was MTV's prime outlet for music videos as the network continued to concentrate on reality-based programming. In addition to music videos, TRL featured daily guests. The show was a popular promotion tool used by musicians, actors, and other celebrities to promote their newest works to the show's target teen demographic. TRL played the top ten most requested videos of the day, as requested by viewers who voted online for their favorite video. The countdown started with the tenth most requested video and ended with the most requested. As of October 22, 2007, TRL's countdown was based on votes, charts, ringtones, download, radio airplay, and streams, meaning that the most user requested video might not have been the number 1 video. The show generally aired Monday through Thursday for one hour, though the scheduling and length of the show fluctuated over the years. Despite the word "Live" in the title of the show, many episodes were actually pre-recorded. It was announced on September 15, 2008 that TRL would be shut down and replaced with FNMTV. The special three-hour finale aired on November 16, 2008, at 8 p.m.

13 Seasons

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Positive 48%
Negative 52%


Trailer from TRL

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“Key Talks” from People

  • Ranked #350 / 8,899 TV Shows

  • Ranked #1,234 / 9,297 TV Shows

  • Ranked #1,764 / 6,959 TV Shows

1,451 TV Shows Tastes Related to TRL

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Television Awards

5 wins 13 nominations
out of 1,656 television awards
  • Kids' Choice Awards, USA

    Favorite Television Actor

  • Teen Choice Awards

    TV - Choice Personality

  • Teen Choice Awards

    TV - Choice Reality Show


Awards from the Crowd

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Ranked #6 for
Ranked #12 for


Acting & Cast


Featured Crew

155 Tastes Related to the Featured Crew

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video from TRL


Photo from TRL

TRL photo 1
TRL photo 2

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icon Concept & icon Idea

“Key Talks” from People

  • Ranked #6 / 13,792 TV Shows

  • Ranked #742 / 13,116 TV Shows

  • Ranked #1,078 / 26,911 TV Shows

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The first air date of TRL is September 14, 1998.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to TRL is 4.0.
On April 29, 2024, there are 1451 reactions to TRL including sucky, new wave, with bangers, looker , boppy.
Total Request Live was a television series on MTV that featured popular music videos. TRL was MTV's prime outlet for music videos as the network continued to concentrate on reality-based programming. In addition to music videos, TRL featured daily guests. The show was a popular promotion tool used by musicians, actors, and other celebrities to promote their newest works to the show's target teen demographic. TRL played the top ten most requested videos of the day, as requested by viewers who voted online for their favorite video. The countdown started with the tenth most requested video and ended with the most requested. As of October 22, 2007, TRL's countdown was based on votes, charts, ringtones, download, radio airplay, and streams, meaning that the most user requested video might not have been the number 1 video. The show generally aired Monday through Thursday for one hour, though the scheduling and length of the show fluctuated over the years. Despite the word "Live" in the title of the show, many episodes were actually pre-recorded. It was announced on September 15, 2008 that TRL would be shut down and replaced with FNMTV. The special three-hour finale aired on November 16, 2008, at 8 p.m.
There are TRL seasons of the 13.