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The Mayor of Casterbridge

Drama | 1 Seasons | Ended
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Michael Henchard, an out-of-work hay-trusser, gets drunk at a fair and for five guineas sells his wife and child to a sailor. When the horror of his act finally sets in, Henchard swears he will not touch alcohol for twenty-one years. Through hard work and acumen, he becomes rich, respected, and eventually the mayor of Casterbridge. But eighteen years after his fateful oath, his wife and daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, return to Casterbridge, and his fortunes steadily decline.

1 Season

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The Mayor of Casterbridge FAQ

The cast of The Mayor of Casterbridge are Alan Bates starring as Michael Henchard, Janet Maw starring as Elizabeth-Jane, Jack Galloway starring as Donald Farfrae.
Michael Henchard, an out-of-work hay-trusser, gets drunk at a fair and for five guineas sells his wife and child to a sailor. When the horror of his act finally sets in, Henchard swears he will not touch alcohol for twenty-one years. Through hard work and acumen, he becomes rich, respected, and eventually the mayor of Casterbridge. But eighteen years after his fateful oath, his wife and daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, return to Casterbridge, and his fortunes steadily decline.
The genre of The Mayor of Casterbridge is Drama.
There are The Mayor of Casterbridge seasons of the 1.
On April 29, 2024, IMDB rating to The Mayor of Casterbridge is 7.9.
The first air date of The Mayor of Casterbridge is January 22, 1978.
The full version of The Mayor of Casterbridge is available atprovided by Acorn TV , AcornTV Amazon Channel , PBS Masterpiece Amazon Channel