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Fun House

Comedy | 11 Seasons | Ended
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Fun House is a British children's game show produced by Scottish Television and based on the American show, that aired on CITV from 24 February 1989 to 29 December 1999. It usually aired on Fridays. It was hosted by Pat Sharp, who was also aided by twin cheerleaders, Melanie Grant supporting the red team and Martina Grant supporting the yellow team. The announcer was Gary King. The theme tune was composed by David Pringle and Bob Heatlie.

11 Seasons

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Negative 32%

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Fun House FAQ

The first air date of Fun House is February 24, 1989.
On May 13, 2024, IMDB rating to Fun House is 7.4.
Fun House is a British children's game show produced by Scottish Television and based on the American show, that aired on CITV from 24 February 1989 to 29 December 1999. It usually aired on Fridays. It was hosted by Pat Sharp, who was also aided by twin cheerleaders, Melanie Grant supporting the red team and Martina Grant supporting the yellow team. The announcer was Gary King. The theme tune was composed by David Pringle and Bob Heatlie.
The cast of Fun House are Pat Sharp starring as .
There are Fun House seasons of the 11.
On May 13, 2024, there are 946 reactions to Fun House including whole lot of fun, hardest, wallflower, looker , frenetic pace.