Monogatari 5
2024-07-06 | Animation,Comedy,Drama,Mystery | 12 episodes6 Seasons
OROKAMONOGATARI Tsukihi Undo (2024)
Yotsugi Ononoki has been infiltrating the Araragi residence to keep an eye on Tsukihi Araragi. While Tsukihi is at school, Yotsugi freely spends her time, but she is seen by Tsukihi, who suddenly comes back home.
NADEMONOGATARI Nadeko Draw (1) (2024)
In order to become a manga artist, Nadeko Sengoku doesn't go to school and spends her days drawing. So, her parents finally tell her to start working after graduating from middle school. As the deadline until graduation approaches, Yotsugi Ononoki proposes ways to become a manga artist.
NADEMONOGATARI Nadeko Draw (2) (2024)
Together with Ougi Oshino, who says, "I saw Nadeko in uniform," Nadeko Sengoku arrives at 701 Middle School, a public school, where she was sighted. Despite her anxiety, Nadeko stepped into the school. The scene she witnessed was unexpected.
NADEMONOGATARI Nadeko Draw (3) (2024)
Inspired by her conversation with Sodachi Oikura, Nadeko was heading to the Araragi residence to secure Meek Nadeko. However, there was a big hole around the knob of the front door, big enough for a human wrist to pass through. Meanwhile, Yotsugi, who had gone in the other direction to look for God Nadeko, was heading toward North Shirahebi Shrine.
NADEMONOGATARI Nadeko Draw (4) (2024)
Nadeko and Yotsugi returned to the Sengoku residence to plan a strategy for the future. Unable to take a step forward, Nadeko ponders how to secure the rest of the Shikigami Nadekos, prompting Yotsugi to remind her of her original purpose. To settle the situation and achieve their objectives, the two headed to the place for the final battle.