Monogatari 2
2012-01-08 | Animation,Comedy,Drama,Mystery | 11 episodes6 Seasons
Karen Bee (1) (2012)
The five girls' problems with supernatural beings have been solved, and it's now summer break, with the culture fair over. Koyomi Araragi has two little sisters, self-proclaimed "heroes" nicknamed the Fire Sisters, Karen and Tsukihi.
Directed By
- Tomoyuki Itamura
- Fuyashi Tou
Karen Bee (2) (2012)
Temptation haunts Koyomi, while visiting Sengoku he is presented with several tempting offers. After surviving each one, his visit to Kanbaru continues to put him in compromising situations.
Directed By
- Yuki Yase
- Fuyashi Tou
Karen Bee (3) (2012)
Araragi leaves Kanbaru's house and meets a dangerous man named Kaiki. While following him, he runs into Senjougahara, who berates him for skipping his studies.
Directed By
- Yukihiro Miyamoto
- Fuyashi Tou
Karen Bee (4) (2012)
Karen is badly ill, having been poisoned by an evil, supernatural bee. Will Koyomi be able to cure her in time?
Directed By
- Yuki Yase
- Fuyashi Tou
Karen Bee (5) (2012)
Koyomi learns the whole story about what happened between Karen and Kaiki. After receiving a tempting offer from Hanekawa, he speaks with Shinobu on the way to save Karen.
Directed By
- Yoshito Mikamo
- Fuyashi Tou